Marlpits Lane, Honiton, Devon, EX14 2NY

Tel: 01404 548 544

Contact Details and Opening Times


Practice Management Team

Our practice management team can advise on administrative and non-medical matters, they can also discuss any suggestions to improve the service, or discuss any problems you may encounter. 

If you wish to make enquiries about administrative or non-medical aspects of your health and treatment, our practice management team, should be able to help you. If you have any comments that you would like to make about the practice, please write to them or email :

Practice Team

We have a team of approx 40 admin staff (excluding GPs) in both full and part time roles who ensure the smooth running of the practice. 

Our Patient Service Advisors (PSA's), may be the first people you speak to at the practice. Our PSA's are trained to deal with your needs and are supported by software developed by our GPs and clinical staff, that ensures we can direct you to receive the most appropriate treatment from the right person at the right time. Other admin staff handle day to day running of the practice such as handling messages, referrals, scanning, summarising, other paper work, IT and prescriptions. 

Every effort will be made to assist you by balancing your needs with the availability and suitability of the clinical staff.

Primary care network (PCN) 

We work with Sid Valley Practice and Coleridge Medical Centre to form HOSMS Primary Care Network (PCN) to enable us to offer more services to our patients, aiming is to provide integrated services to the local population.

We currently have PCN Pharmacy Team,  Mental Health Team, Physiotherapy Team and Care Home administrators, alongside additional PCN managers and administrators.