Marlpits Lane, Honiton, Devon, EX14 2NY

Tel: 01404 548 544

Contact Details and Opening Times

Prescriptions Advice

The surgery requires 3 working days from receipt of your prescription request to process your prescription. Once processed, your prescription will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy. The pharmacy may then need additional time to process your prescription too. Please plan for this time when requesting your medication to avoid running out of medication.


How to order your repeat prescription


If you use Systmonline you can still access this via their website :


NHS App/NHS Account

You can order a repeat prescription by logging into your account using the NHS app (smart phone or tablet) or NHS website. To sign up or for more information see : How to order a repeat prescription

When requesting prescriptions please allow 7 working days, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, to collect your prescription from your allocated pharmacy.

If you do not have access to online then you can return your repeat prescription slip to your pharmacy or the surgery or provide your request in writing. We do not take repeat prescriptions over the phone.


How to request medication that is not on your repeat (Acute)

An acute prescription is a 'one-off' prescription which the GP has decided not to add to your repeat list of regular medication. This may be a prescription for a short course of treatment or for a new medication until you are stabilised on it. Some medication is not suitable for prescribing on repeat prescription. Some medications are recorded as acute as they require to be closely monitored by the Doctor. Examples include many anti-depressants, drugs of potential abuse or where the prescribing is subject to legal or clinical restrictions or special criteria. If this is the case with your medicine, you may not always be issued with a prescription until you have consulted with your Doctor again.

To request an actue prescription please complete an online consultation (admin query) via our online service.

If you do not have access to online then you can request in writing to the surgery. We do not take prescriptions over the phone.

Proxy Access for Online

Under 16 years old

If you are a parent or guardian of an under 16 year old and would like access to booking appointments and ordering medication ONLY, this can be done through your own online account (You will need to be set up for online services yourself)

Please complete online services form on behalf of patient and provide a copy of the patient’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE (giving evidence of relationship e.g parent. If birth certificate does not show this, then we can accept other relevant paperwork which indicates you are parent/’guardian

Over 16 years old

If you would like proxy access for someone who is over 16years old. Please complete a proxy over 16 years form.


Over the counter medication

NHS England have made it clear that we do not prescribe over the counter medications. We do not prescribe Hay fever medication that are included as over the counter medications.


Urgent medication

If you require medication urgently we will only process your request for life-saving medications. Please be aware urgent requests can still take up to 24 hours to process.

If you have forgotten to order your prescription on time you will not be left without treatment:

If you are unwell you can make an appointment to see a doctor at the surgery or to ask for a telephone consultation, or when the surgery is closed, contact the out of hours service.

If you need medication at weekends or when the surgery is closed your pharmacist can dispense your medication for a few days.

If you have recently been to a hospital appointment and your medication has been changed, the hospital doctors should issue you with a prescription for an initial course of the new drug.


Prescription Fees

NHS Prescription charges are: £9.90 per prescription per item

Three month prepayment certificate £32.05 and will save you money if you need more than three prescription items in a three month period

Annual prepayment certificate £114.50 and will save you money if you need more than eleven prescription items over a twelve month period

HRT prepayment certificate £19.80

Further information about prescription charges and exemptions from charges.